score indonesia vs malaysia piala afc 2012

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pertarungan indonesia vs malaysia di piala afc 2012 ini terlihat
sangat sengit sekali apalagi harimau vs garuda ini seperti anji** dan
maling .walaupun banyak isu yang menyebar penyuapan wasit oleh  malaysia..
memang kalau di lihat dari permainan, wasit lebih memihak malaysia
karena beberapa kali pihak pemain malaysia melakukan pelanggaran
terhadap indonesia tapi wasit diem aja mungkin isu penyuapan itu
benar adanya.apalagi pelanggaran pihak malaysia  terhadap
pemain indonesia waktu di area kiper yang seharusnya terjadi pinalti.

Tapi setelah gol 2-0 atas malaysia wasit terlihat adil dalam
melakukan pekerjaanya tanpa melihat indonesia atau malaysia.
mungkin karena di rasa sudah cukup 2-0.anda mungkin bisa melihatnya
sendiri bagaimana malaysia ketakutan dalam melawan garuda indonesia.
saya cukup kecewa dengan wasitnya euuuy....
score sementara malaysia vs indonesia 2-0

english version 

Indonesia vs Malaysia in the fight afc cup 2012 looks
very fierce at all let alone tigers vs eagle is like anji ** and
thieves. although many of the issues that spreads by referee
bribery malaysia ..indeed if in the view of the game,
the referee favors malaysia because some times
the player malaysia violation against Indonesia but
the referee may issue diem aja bribery
its right there .. and a violation of the party malaysia
Indonesian players in the area when the goalkeeper is
supposed to happen penalty.

But after a 2-0 win over the goal umpire looks fair in malaysia
do his job without notice Indonesia or Malaysia.
probably because in a sense is enough 2-0.anda might see
yourself how malaysia fear against Garuda Indonesia.
I was quite disappointed with the referee euuuy ....
score while Malaysia vs Indonesia 2-0
Description:Review score indonesia vs malaysia piala afc 2012 Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: herdyazkiya - ItemReviewed: score indonesia vs malaysia piala afc 2012

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