info lowongan kerja S1 di jawa tengah juli 2013

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info lowongan kerja JAVA Programmer juli 2013

GAMELOFT is a leading global developer and publisher of downloadable video games, Gameloft® has established itself as one of the top innovators in its field since 2000. Gameloft creates games for all digital platforms, including mobile phones, smartphones and tablets (including Apple® iOS and Android® devices), set top box, connected TVs and consoles. Gameloft partners with leading international brands such as UNO®, Spider-Man®, James Cameron’s Avatar™, Ferrari® and Sonic Unleashed®. Gameloft also operates its own established franchises, such as Real Football, Asphalt™, Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus and N.O.V.A Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance®. Gameloft is present in all continents, distributes its games in 100 countries and employs over 4,000 developers.PT Gameloft Indonesia seeking new JAVA Programmer for the following positions as software engineering

Job desc:
 As a member of Gameloft’s top-level engineering team in Yogyakarta - Indonesia Studio, report to Team Leader and Producer, your day-to-day work consists of programming and optimizing codes to create and port video games on a wide range of mobile phones. You will take part in projects involving various Gameloft studios around the world such as US, Europe, etc, and will work closely with project managers and other departments of the studio such as quality assurance, game design, and graphic art to deliver high-quality mobile games for international markets.

- Proficiency in Java or C/C++.
- Bachelor degree or equivalent in computer science is preferable.
- Knowledge of J2ME, BREW, Symbian, iPhone OS or 3D programming is a plus.
- Knowledge of graphic development (2D & 3D).
- Experience in game programming is a plus.
- Good reading and writing skills in English.
- Team spirit, sense of responsibility, deadline commitment.
- Ability to work under high pressure.
- Both junior and senior profiles are welcome.
Expires date : 31 Juli 2013

Please send your complete  application to:

PT Gameloft Indonesia
Alamat : JO2 Studio, Cokro Building 2nd Floor, Jl. HOS. Cokroaminoto 73. Yogyakarta 55253

Bagi yang copy paste mohon sertakan Link ini >>>

Description:Review info lowongan kerja S1 di jawa tengah juli 2013 Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: herdyazkiya - ItemReviewed: info lowongan kerja S1 di jawa tengah juli 2013

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